A pair of blue stars on a white background.

Other Services

Two hand drawn hearts on a white background.
  • Refilling Your Medications

    At your convenience, we kindly request that you give our office a call for any prescription refill needs you may have or use our Patient Portal to request. Our team is dedicated to providing outstanding patient care and ensuring that your medications are readily available when you need them.

  • Referral Information

    Children may experience a range of medical conditions that could benefit from the expertise of a pediatric specialist in a particular field. We emphasize the coordination of all healthcare providers involved in a child's treatment. 

  • Behavioral Health

    In cooperation with community based mental health providers, we evaluate and treat children for behavior concerns and school problems including:

    • Inattention and lack of focus
    • Anxiety
    • Depression
  • Chronic Care Management

    If your child has a disability or a chronic illness, your journey may feel like the road less traveled. You probably have interactions with many different professionals and specialists. You need information, assistance, understanding, and support.

  • Ear Piercing

    We are happy to offer this service to our patients. 

    We use Coren PS Ear Piercing System.  We recommend ear piercing occur after 3 months old. Waiting until children are 3 months old ensures that they have had their first set of vaccines and allows the ear to grow big enough to allow for accurate placing of the earring. We want to make sure that this elective procedure carries as little risk to your child as possible. 

    We do ear piercing by appointment only and not as an "add-on" to another sick or well visit. This allows enough time to perform the procedure, explain and answer questions about the aftercare, and allows the numbing cream to take effect.

    We charge $50 to pierce up to 2 ears. This price includes the piercing studs and a permanent pair of hypoallergenic earrings.

  • Lactation Consultation

    Breastfeeding provides essential nutrition for infants birth to one year and older. As with learning anything new, most breastfeeding mothers and babies (and dads too!) need some instruction and support during this learning period.

  • Newborn Care

    Newborn Care Begins From The Moment Your Baby Arrives

    Our pediatricians understand the challenges of taking care of a newborn. They also provide the same gentle care they’d use for treating their family. If you’re pregnant, looking for a pediatrician, and you’d like to meet the team, or you need to schedule a newborn visit, call our office.

    Newborn Care FAQs

    When does my newborn have their first checkup?

    Your new baby has their first checkup within 3 days after leaving the hospital. During this newborn care visit, their pediatrician performs the required newborn screening tests in the office, so you don’t need to make a separate trip to the hospital for your baby’s testing.

    Your newborn’s checkup is a comprehensive exam to be sure they’re growing and developing normally. During the checkup, the pediatrician:

    Checks your baby’s weight, length, and head circumference

    Evaluates your baby’s feeding, bowel, and sleeping habits

    Does a physical examination, including an eye exam

    Performs a developmental evaluation

    These visits also give parents time to ask questions about their baby, whether they’re not sure about how to bathe the baby, they have trouble with feeding, they’re worried about the baby’s sleep schedule, or any other concerns.

    What screenings does newborn care include?

    Some states routinely screens for genetic and rare medical conditions, including 32 core and 24 secondary conditions. The goal is to identify and treat diseases early enough to prevent serious complications such as growth problems, developmental delays, intellectual disabilities, blindness, deafness, and seizures.

    Within the first 24 hours after delivery, your newborn has a hearing screening, and blood is drawn from their heel to run the routine screening tests. 


    Well-child visits are ongoing checkups for children that follow a specific schedule. After the two-week newborn care visit, your newborn should see the pediatrician at 2 months.

    During each visit, their pediatrician will evaluate their growth, developmental milestones, and behaviors. 

    Just like the two-week newborn care visit, every well-child checkup is an opportunity to talk with the pediatrician about baby care and your baby’s health and safety.

  • Sports Physicals

    Regular physicals are an important part of preventative pediatric care. Getting your child an sports physical gives the doctor the opportunity to examine your child, evaluate their health and fitness, and determine whether or not they are prepared for sports or school activities.

  • ADHD/ADD Evaluations

    Our trained professional staff will do the initial evaluation if you think your child is having problems with focusing and attention.  We also continue to treat your child after the initial diagnosis has been made. 

  • Asthma Care

    Our practice provides a comprehensive asthma and allergy management program for our patients. Our pediatricians are trained in the diagnosis and management of childhood asthma and allergies.

  • Nutrition Visits

    Nutritionist visits are also by appointment only and can book up quickly. Please make sure to keep your appointment with the nutritionist. If you need to cancel, please call 48 hours in advance, otherwise there will be a cancellation fee of $50.

  • Vaccine-Only Visits

    Your child’s provider will inform you the appropriate time frame to come in for a vaccine-only visit, so make sure you schedule your appointment at the front desk before leaving our office. Read more about vaccinations here.

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